Latest Prices Updated
1/12/2022 : PUMA Air Compressor | Download PDF
Please to inform that effective 1 Dec 2022, ‘PUMA’ Air Compressor Online Minimum Selling Prices has been adjusted.
Kindly take note and refer to the Min. Price as follows:
No | Model | Min. Price |
1 | PK2090IS2 | 2,200 |
2 | PK30-120 | 4,550 |
3 | PK50-160 | 5,650 |
4 | PK75-250 | 9,100 |
5 | PK100-300 | 10,800 |
6 | PK150-300A | 14,100 |
7 | TK30-160 | 6,600 |
8 | TK50-250 | 8,150 |
9 | TK50-250V | 8,400 |
10 | TK75-300 | 11,550 |
11 | TK75-250V | 10,500 |
12 | TK100-300 | 14,350 |
13 | TK150-300 | 20,400 |
14 | GT55-160G2 | 7,000 |
15 | GT55-250G2 | 7,550 |
16 | XN2040 | 800 |
17 | WE125 | 1,040 |
18 | WE1110A-3 | 4,900 |
19 | PUK2090IS2G | 3,800 |
20 | PUK100-300 | 12,400 |
21 | PUK150-300 | 15,900 |
Note : Only the PK and TK Series are eligible for PUMA Care.
Please remind customers to register their warranty at pumacare.my.